Norway BI School of Business | Location of Dr. Carrick's Presentation

Dr. Frederick R. Carrick to Present on the Effect of Emerging Therapies on Wound Healing and Parkinson’s Disease at Norwegian Business School

April 24, 2024


On June 1, 2024, Dr. Frederick R. Carrick, a Professor of Neurology at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine, is presenting at the BI School of Business in Oslo, Norway. The presentation, entitled “Discussion of Recent Published Research on Wound Healing and Parkinson’s Disease: An Afternoon with Prof. Frederick R. Carrick,” discusses the impact of stem cell therapies and far infrared (FIR) therapies on wound healing and the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD), the most frequent motor disorder and the second most frequent neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), along with the findings of the research team at UCF College of Medicine.

The research team at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine, led by Dr. Carrick, is currently focused on developing stem cell therapies for wound healing and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS. They applied their knowledge and findings to testing a novel ceramic blanket, equipped with a patented far infrared therapy designed and developed by Gladiator Therapeutics, on animal wounds and examining stem cells that were wounded experimentally. They found that the stem cells also healed faster after being injured when placed on the ceramic blanket.

They continued their work on neurodegenerative disorders and developed a Parkinson’s Disease Mouse Model to test the ceramic blankets. They found significant improvement in diseased and non-Parkinson animals. They increased the number of brain cells in areas of the brain involved in Parkinson’s disease and demonstrated significant functional testing.

They presented their research at the largest Medical Research Meeting of the Department of Defense, and their work has been published, with applications realized globally. Dr. Carrick will discuss this research and present investigations and human trials. This will be an exciting and current interactive presentation with time reserved for questions and answers. To purchase your ticket*, click here.

*Please note that this event is only for healthcare providers, not individual patients.

About Dr. Carrick

Dr. Frederick R. Carrick is a Harvard Medical School-trained Clinical Trialist, Professor of Neurology, and Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Mental Health Research in association with the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (CMHR-CU). He is also a Professor of Neurology at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine and an Adjunct Professor at the MGH Institute for Health Professions. He holds board certifications in Neurology and fellowship credentials in Neuro-otology, Vestibular Rehabilitation, and EEG.